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Points, The Fine Print.

This page has changed, Please review it Wednesday, 15 December, 2010

Like in all civilised societies there are rules, The following rules apply to points and are designed to ensure fair play by all members

Points are transferable. Please feel free to award points to other members except where excluded below.

Types of points
There are three types of points Free points, Earned Points and Purchased Points.

  • Free points are recieved for time spent on Justcamming.Com, things like camming, chatting etc.
  • Earned points are given to you by other members, In other words when they offer you points.
  • Purchased points are purchased from the bank.

Points can be purchased at the rate of US$1.00 per 1000 points. Minimum purchase amounts apply.

Redemption (Changed)

During Beta points are not redeemable for cash, Users will be advised when collected points can be redeemed.
Points converted to cash (redeemed) are converted at the fixed rate of US$0.70 per 1000 points. Minimum conversion amounts apply. Please Note: You cannot redeem free points.

Points can only be redeemed if you have a minimum of $50.00 worth of points (eg: ~71,000 points).

All points transactions between members attract a levy of 10% payable by the receiver. [?]

With the sole exception of purchased points all points expire 90 days from the date those points were received. Points purchased through our points purchase system never expire.

Order of Use
Points are used in the order they are received or purchased.

You cannot create multiple aliases for the purposes of escalating your points earnings.

If you have an alias as a couple and an alias as a single person you cannot trade points between those aliases.

Points cannot be sold. Any person found trying to sell or buy points outside of our points purchase system will have their account removed and all points forfeited including any purchased points.

Points cannot be earnt or transferred from people within the same location, eg you cannot earn points by watching your own cam, husbands cannot award points to wives and visa versa. our software will detect and cancel such actions. We also manually verify all transfer of points to ensure compliance.

Earning points by spending time on cam means You must be on cam most of the time. leaving the cam to display messages or a blank screen or prerecorded images, will result in any points earnt for "On Cam" time will be deducted. agressive non cammers will lose all points.

Members expelled for any reason will have their points forfeited including any purchased points.

If there is a dispute over the allocation of points, and the decision favours the giver of points the points are returned to the giver.

Points awarded as the result of hardware or software failure are not valid and are not transferable or redeemable. All efforts are taken to ensure such errors do not occur. If such an error occurs please notify us immediately, Failure to notify us immediately may constitute grounds for expulsion. Points lost due to hardware or software failure will be replaced upon verification.

Please check back from time to time.

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