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13372 Registered Members

All About Points

What are points?

Points give you a chance to show your appreciation of the actions of other members, They are also a chance for us to show you our appreciation.

You can Buy, Earn, Win and Trade Points. Many actions on Justcamming.Com earn you points, for example simply conversing with other members earns you points.

Points can be converted to Cash (Redeemed). exclusions apply

Win competitions for the highest points used in a given month, to be fair there are both male and female categories.

How you can get points

  • Receive them from other members
  • Spend time "On Cam"
  • Converse with others
  • Introduce a new member
  • spend time in the chat
  • Purchase points

What you can do with points

  • Show your appreciation of another member by giving them points.
  • Convert the points to cash to be drawn from your account.
  • From time to time we will have special promotions that require points.
  • NEW! Watch high definition movies
  • Enter Competitions

It's All About Points

To Buy or Redeem Points please go to The Bank

Click here for the fine print about points

Please Note: all points transactions between members attracts a Levy of 10% (more)

adult webcam community